
Period of Application Type of Pricing Up to 3 hours Up to 6 hours Up to 12 hours Up to 24 hours per every additional day per every additional hour
Current Price Standard Price 1,320yen 2,200yen 2,640yen 3,080yen 2,200yen 1,100yen
Current Price Peak Season Pricing 1,720yen 2,860yen 3,430yen 4,000yen 2,860yen 1,430yen

51 - 150cc

Period of Application Type of Pricing Up to 3 hours Up to 6 hours Up to 12 hours Up to 24 hours per every additional day per every additional hour
Current Price Standard Price 2,090yen 3,850yen 4,620yen 5,390yen 3,850yen 1,650yen
Current Price Peak Season Pricing 2,720yen 5,010yen 6,010yen 7,010yen 5,010yen 2,150yen

151 - 250cc

Period of Application Type of Pricing Up to 3 hours Up to 6 hours Up to 12 hours Up to 24 hours per every additional day per every additional hour
Current Price Standard Price 2,750yen 4,730yen 5,720yen 6,710yen 4,730yen 2,200yen
Current Price Peak Season Pricing 3,580yen 6,150yen 7,440yen 8,720yen 6,150yen 2,860yen

251 - 400cc

Period of Application Type of Pricing Up to 3 hours Up to 6 hours Up to 12 hours Up to 24 hours per every additional day per every additional hour
Current Price Standard Price 3,410yen 6,050yen 7,150yen 8,140yen 6,050yen 2,750yen
Current Price Peak Season Pricing 4,430yen 7,870yen 9,300yen 10,590yen 7,870yen 3,580yen

751cc -

Period of Application Type of Pricing Up to 3 hours Up to 6 hours Up to 12 hours Up to 24 hours per every additional day per every additional hour
Current Price Standard Price 4,840yen 8,470yen 10,065yen 11,660yen 8,470yen 3,850yen
Current Price Peak Season Pricing 6,290yen 11,010yen 13,090yen 15,160yen 11,010yen 5,010yen


Period of Application Type of Pricing Up to 3 hours Up to 6 hours Up to 12 hours Up to 24 hours per every additional day per every additional hour
Current Price Standard Price 3,850yen 5,830yen 6,820yen 7,810yen 5,830yen 3,300yen
Current Price Peak Season Pricing 5,010yen 7,580yen 8,870yen 10,150yen 7,580yen 4,290yen


Period of Application Type of Pricing Up to 3 hours Up to 6 hours Up to 12 hours Up to 24 hours per every additional day per every additional hour
Current Price Standard Price 9,900yen 13,200yen 19,800yen 25,300yen 13,200yen 4,950yen
Current Price Peak Season Pricing 12,870yen 17,160yen 25,740yen 32,890yen 17,160yen 6,440yen


Period of Application Type of Pricing Up to 3 hours Up to 6 hours Up to 12 hours Up to 24 hours per every additional day per every additional hour
Current Price Standard Price 17,600yen 17,600yen 22,880yen 27,500yen 22,880yen 5,500yen
Current Price Peak Season Pricing 22,900yen 22,900yen 29,800yen 39,400yen 29,800yen 7,150yen