Please be sure to check before making a reservation.
Please read, understand, and agree to the following precautions when using our store.

Our rental vehicles are special vehicles called "campers," so if the rental vehicle becomes unavailable on the day due to damage, breakdown, repair of a breakdown, natural disaster, or other force majeure, we will not be able to prepare a replacement vehicle.
In that case, the reservation deposit will be fully refunded, and our store will not be held responsible for any other damages (cancellation fees for campsite reservations, hotel reservations, boat reservations, etc.), and we will not be liable for any penalties (other than refund of reservation deposit). It is assumed that no money will be incurred.
We kindly ask our customers for their understanding and consent.

You can drive with a regular license!
Please present the driver's license of all drivers at the time of rental.
However, those who drive must have at least one year of driving experience since obtaining their license.
*For non-Japanese nationals, please present an international driver's license that allows you to drive in Japan.

At our store, you can use advance credit card payment and advance transfer payment methods.
If you wish to use credit, please register your credit card information through advance credit registration.
Credit card payments are available within 50 days of the departure date.
If you are making a reservation more than 50 days prior to the departure date, please select「Other」as the payment method.

If you would like to pay by wire transfer, please transfer the full amount to the following bank account at least 15 days before your departure date.

*If your reservation date is within 14 days of your departure date, please transfer the full amount at least 3 days before your departure date. (If payment cannot be confirmed up to 3 days before the departure date, the reservation will be treated as a cancellation due to the customer's convenience and a cancellation fee will be charged.)

Transfer destination

Bank name: PayPay Bank Branch name: Business Sales Department Branch (branch number 005) Account type: Ordinary Account number: 2019713

Payment name: Voyage Co., Ltd.

Rental and return locations are available at our stores. We will also deliver to your desired pick-up location for an additional fee. A renter (contractor) is required for both lending and returning.
If you rent it at the store, we will store only one private car for free. We will store your belongings in our parking lot, but we will not be responsible for any accidents or theft.
¥4,400 (tax included) every 60 minutes after 7pm
Return between 19:01 and 20:00 ¥4,400 for 1 hour
If you return the item after 8:00 pm, you cannot return it on the same day. Please select the option to return the item more slowly and have it returned at 9am the next day, or add an extra day and return it during business hours the next day.

*If there is a possibility that the time will be exceeded, please contact us in advance.
*Excess time due to accidents, construction, congestion due to heavy traffic, and refueling will also be subject to overtime charges.
*Due to the itinerary, it is not possible to exceed the time limit. Please make a plan to return the item during business hours (until 7pm).
*Use of the service overtime is limited to unavoidable circumstances such as sudden traffic jams.
*Depending on the reservation status, you may not be able to exceed the time limit. please note that.

At the time of rental, we will rent a full tank of fuel at our store.
Fuel costs will be borne by the customer.
Before returning the vehicle, please fill it up at a gas station near the store and return it.
If the tank is not full when you return it, you will be charged according to the amount of fuel remaining.
If the tank is more than half full... ¥5,500 (tax included)
If it is less than half ・・・・・・¥11,000 (tax included)

If you have no choice but to cancel your reservation, you will be charged a reservation cancellation fee.
Additionally, if we do not hear from you even after one hour has passed since the rental start time on the day of your reservation, we will consider your reservation to be cancelled.

・15 days or more before the rental reservation date: Free
・14 days to 3 days before the rental reservation date: 25% of the rental fee
・2 days to the day before the tentative reservation date: 50% of the rental fee
・On the day of the rental reservation date: 100% of the rental fee

*Cancellations after 6 p.m. will be treated as cancellations for the following day.
*For reservations with departure dates that fall during the peak season, a cancellation fee of 10% of the usage fee will be charged from "after the reservation is confirmed" until 15 days before the tentative reservation date.
*Please note that shortening the usage dates will result in the reservation dates being treated as cancellations and you will need to make a new reservation for the usage dates.
 *If the date is reduced, the above reservation cancellation fee will be charged.

Changes can only be made once, but an administrative fee of 3,300 yen (tax included) will be charged.
Changes can be made within two weeks before and after the original schedule, provided the rental is possible.
Other than the above, a new application is required after cancellation (reservation cancellation fee applies)

Changes can only be made once, but an administrative fee of 3,300 yen (tax included) will be charged.
Changes are possible if the desired car model is available for rental.

If you wish to extend the contract period (number of days), please be sure to contact us in advance.
Please note that depending on the reservation status, we may not be able to extend your reservation.
The contract period extension fee will be settled upon return.

If you cancel (cancel) your service mid-way through use, you will be required to pay the following mid-term cancellation fee with our store's consent.

Mid-term cancellation fee = {(Basic fee corresponding to the rental contract period) - (Basic fee corresponding to the period from rental to return)} x 50%

After paying the cancellation fee specified above, the remaining amount after deducting the rental fee corresponding to the period from lending to return from the received rental fee will be returned to the lessee.

In addition, we will accept requests for mid-term cancellation up to 3 days (72 hours) before the scheduled return, but we will not be able to provide refunds for mid-term cancellations after 3 days (72 hours).
If a violation of the Road Traffic Act occurs while using a rental car, it is the customer's responsibility to go to the police station with jurisdiction, complete the prescribed procedures, and immediately pay the fine. . When returning the vehicle, please present a traffic violation notice and a payment slip/receipt with a receipt stamp.
In the event of a violation at Orbis, etc., our store will be notified at a later date.
We will then contact you and ask you to complete the prescribed procedures.

All of our vehicles are non-smoking. (Electronic cigarettes are also prohibited) If we find out that you are smoking, we will charge you compensation for vehicle suspension (20,000 yen), air conditioner filter fee (3,300 yen), and deodorizing cleaning fee of 33,000 yen (tax included). I'll enjoy having this. Shoes are strictly prohibited except in the driver's and passenger's seats.
When returning the rental car, please clean and dispose of trash in the same manner as when you rented it. If it is not done
We will charge 5,500 yen (tax included).

*In the event of an accident, a deductible will be charged to the customer.

In the unlikely event of an accident, you will be compensated within the following limits.

Personal compensation: Unlimited (including the amount covered by automobile liability insurance)

Property compensation: Unlimited (deductible amount: 100,000 yen)

Vehicle compensation market value (deductible amount 100,000 yen)

Personal injury compensation: 1 accident limit of 30 million yen x capacity, 1 person limit of 30 million yen

If you do not report the accident to the police (there is no accident certificate), you may not be compensated.

If insurance is not paid for any of the following reasons, you will be responsible for the full amount. The same applies to the exemption compensation system.
In the case of intentional or extremely gross negligence
Gross negligence also includes failure to follow the "Cautions for using a campervan" written on the rental certificate.
Driving without a license or under the influence of alcohol or drugs (narcotics, stimulants, etc.)
Fighting, suicidal, or criminal acts
If there is no prompt report from the scene of the accident to the police station, our store, or insurance.
(Regardless of the size of the accident, the presence or absence of the other party, and the perpetrator/damage, be sure to immediately contact the police, our store, and insurance at the scene)
In the case of an unauthorized settlement
If a person drives the vehicle without presenting a driver's license to our store
If you violate the rental terms and conditions or usage guide.
Accidents that occurred when contracted hours were extended without permission
In addition, if there is a violation of the matters stipulated in the rental agreement by our company, etc.
*In either case, payment will be made in accordance with the insurance company's terms and conditions.

The deductible compensation system is a system that compensates the customer for the property deductible and vehicle deductible in the event of an accident.
(*Damage caused by user negligence that is not an accident will be subject to actual costs.)

However, if multiple accidents occur during the same rental, only the first accident will be covered.
Please select and apply for exemption when making a reservation. You cannot join or cancel your subscription after making a reservation. 2,200 yen per day (tax included) (discount/optional)

In the event of an accident, be sure to report it to the police instead of settling the matter on the spot. Also, please be sure to contact our store.

In the unlikely event that your vehicle requires repair or cleaning due to an accident, theft, breakdown, defacement, etc., the following fees will be charged as part of business compensation due to vehicle suspension during that period, regardless of the degree of damage or repair period. You will be responsible for the cost.
(1) If you return the vehicle to our store by yourself: 100,000 yen
(2) If the vehicle cannot be returned to our store because it cannot run on its own: 150,000 yen

*If the vehicle is driveable but not returned to the store (left on the street, etc.), a charge of 150,000 yen will be charged.

However, for business compensation that cannot be covered by non-operation charges, you will be required to pay the daily charge for up to 30 days during the repair period.

Damage, stains, and malfunctions to the interior of the camper, fixtures, and equipment are not covered by vehicle insurance. *Subject to non-operation charge.
*Damage to glass caused by flying stones (breaks, scratches, cracks, etc.) is covered by vehicle insurance. (Subject to force majeure)
●Case subject to damage damage

I spilled food or drink on the seat and it got stained. (Similar to vomiting, etc.)
Smell of cigarettes or pets, etc.
Stains caused by pet excrement or vomit
An electronic device (refrigerator, microwave oven, air conditioner, etc.) was damaged due to incorrect usage.
The window was broken.
Damage to free and paid rental items (damage due to customer's responsibility)
Replacement, repair, and cleaning costs will be borne by the actual cost after we inform you of the repair costs.

Please note that our company cannot provide any compensation. Furthermore, we cannot be held responsible for any injuries caused by the customer's carelessness inside or around the vehicle while the vehicle is stopped.

Pets allowed to ride with you are limited to healthy small and medium-sized dogs.
Please prepare a cage
If you are traveling with a pet, please be sure to notify us. If it is confirmed that a pet is boarding without permission, deodorization and cleaning costs will be charged.
Pets that can accompany you are indoor dogs that live together indoors. Please be sure to remove fleas and ticks and brush your pet before riding.
Pets traveling with you must have vaccinations valid for the rental period. On the day of rental, proof of rabies vaccination and proof of 5 or more mixed vaccinations are required.
Only healthy indoor dogs weighing less than 10 kg are allowed to travel with pets. In the camper, please spread a sheet on the floor and put it in a cage (please bring your own) to ride with your pet.
Please shampoo your hair before renting it.
Being trained to use the toilet.
Please be careful not to defecate inside the vehicle and defecate before boarding. Please wear manners wear. Please dispose of excrement promptly and appropriately.
Never leave your pet unattended in the camper for any length of time.
Please take care not to chew or scratch the equipment inside the vehicle with your fingernails.
Pets are not allowed in the driver's seat, passenger seat, or sleeping space.
We are not responsible for any accidents or illnesses caused by pets. Please note that this is not covered by insurance/compensation or various compensation systems.
If, after use, it is determined that the camper is unable to be rented out to the next user for normal cleaning and maintenance due to severe odors, hair loss, stains, damage, etc., the actual cost of cleaning and repairs, etc. and the cleaning period will be charged. You will be required to pay 50,000 yen (tax exempt) as part of the business compensation.
If the pet causes damage to the Company or a third party other than those listed in 15 above, the camper renter shall compensate for all damages.
Please comply with the Animal Welfare and Management Act and the animal welfare ordinances of each prefecture.
Please be sure to follow these rules when using
Smoking is prohibited inside the vehicle. Rentals are strictly prohibited for those who cannot abide by the non-smoking policy. (Electronic cigarettes are also prohibited)
Please be sure to follow these guidelines so that the next user can use the facility comfortably. In the unlikely event that you smell cigarettes in your car, you will be charged 33,000 yen (tax included) for vehicle suspension compensation (20,000 yen), air conditioner filter fee (3,300 yen), and deodorizing cleaning fee. Campervans can also be rented by asthmatic customers who are unable to travel in groups. Thank you for your cooperation.
Shoes are strictly prohibited (driver and passenger seats are OK)
Please store food that may get dirty or smelly, such as barbecues or yakiniku, outside of your vehicle. In addition, please refrain from eating meals that may significantly stain the inside of the vehicle.
The customer will be responsible for any punctures, bursts, tire damage, and associated damage to the wheels or vehicle body.
Please handle each piece of equipment with care.
By law, when driving a car with a child under the age of 6, an infant support device (child seat) must be used. Please use the child seat and junior seat options at our store.
We cannot provide a partial refund of the rental fee due to malfunction of each equipment after rental.