Privacy Policy
In light of the importance of protecting personal information, NanamiJapan Corporation and JDM Car Rental Japan (hereinafter collectively referred to as "JDM Car Rental Japan") have established the following privacy policy in order to comply with the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" and this Privacy Policy. In light of the importance of protecting personal information, JDM Car Rental Japan (hereinafter collectively referred to as "JDM Car Rental Japan") has established the following information protection policy and strives to protect personal information and privacy as necessary and appropriate in order to provide better products and services to its customers.

Definition of Personal Information
Personal information is information that can be used to identify an individual customer, such as the customer's name, address, and telephone number. It also includes information that can be used in combination with other information to identify an individual.
NanamiJapan and JDM Car Rental Japan recognize that the protection of customers' personal information is our most important responsibility and will handle customers' personal information as follows

Compliance with Laws and Regulations
NanamiJapan and JDM Car Rental Japan will comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information, as well as internal rules and regulations, when handling personal information.

Appropriate Acquisition
NanamiJapan Co., Ltd. and JDM Car Rental Japan will not acquire customers' personal information through deception or other wrongful means.

Purpose of Use
NanamiJapan and JDM Car Rental Japan collects and uses customers' personal information for the following purposes.
In the event that personal information is acquired for a purpose not specified here, the purpose of use will be clearly stated at the time the personal information is acquired.

To carry out the matters required as a condition of our business license, such as preparing a rental certificate when concluding a rental contract as a business licensed to rent cars.
To provide rental/leased cars and related services to customers.
To verify and screen the identity of customers.
To inform customers of products, services, and after-sales services offered by NanamiJapan and JDM Car Rental Japan, as well as of events and campaigns, by sending promotional materials, e-mails, and other methods.
To conduct customer surveys for the planning and development of products and services handled by NanamiJapan and JDM Car Rental Japan, or for the consideration of measures to improve customer satisfaction.
To compile and analyze personal information statistically and create statistical data in a form that does not allow individuals to be identified or specified.
The following personal information collected from customers will be provided to the card issuer used by the customer for the purpose of detecting and preventing fraudulent use by the card issuer.
Name, telephone number, email address, billing address, shipping address, Internet usage environment information, etc. (Please specify the personal information to be provided depending on the type of merchant. If you are a minor, your parent or guardian may be required to provide personal information.
If you are a minor, you must obtain the consent of your parent or guardian before using the Service.
Shared Use
NanamiJapan Corporation and JDM Car Rental Japan share the following personal information with other companies,

NanamiJapan Corporation and JDM Car Rental Japan will use the following personal information of customers for the following purposes